The Wasson-ECE TO-Clean is a fully automated cleaning system that accommodated up to twelve 6-liter air sampling canisters. The system is compliant with EPA Methods TO-14A and TO-15 specifications and includes an isothermal oven and humidifier to assist in removing difficult components. An on-board touch screen controller allows the user to easily customize and save up to ten cleaning methods
Canisters are often the medium of choice for collecting air grab samples to test for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These containers have an inert lining, long hold times, and do not require a sampling pump. However, the cleaning procedure is critical as regulations require low to sub-ppb analyses. At such low concentrations, carryover from previous samples can significantly affect the analysis results.

Most air monitoring laboratories have internal cleaning procedures in place, but these are often manual, time consuming processes. The TO-Clean improves cleaning efficiency and canister throughput. The spacious oven and flexible tubing attachments allow for easy canister connection and the orbital welded manifold minimizes the potential for leaks or contamination. User-friendly software enables the user to quickly change vacuum, pressure, and cycle settings. Troubleshooting features include an automated system leak test and manual valve control. The result is a high-quality product with unparalleled ease of use.
- EPA Method TO-14A/15 compliant
- Cryogen free
- Fully automated system
- Capacity - twelve 6-liter canisters
- Inserts to accommodate 1-liter, 3-liter, or custom canister sizes
- Embedded touch screen controller
- Up to 10 user defined methods
- Automated system leak test
- Isothermal oven (110°C)
- Electronic pressure transducers with digital readout
- Edwards nXDS6i Scroll pump
- Orbitally welded manifold
- Humidifier