OFID Controller Box with Purge Pressure Shutdown
The Wasson-ECE OFID Controller Box with Purge Pressure Shutdown is a stand-alone accessory for Wasson-ECE OFID analyzers to prevent damage to the OFID cracking reactor caused by loss of reactor purge gas.
The OFID/methanizer controller box is designed to shut down the heater of the OFID cracker upon loss of purge gas. When purge pressure is lost, power to the OFID heater will be shut down and an LED will illuminate to indicate loss of purge. When purge pressure is reestablished, the LED will turn off and a timer LED will illuminate. Power is restored to the OFID heater circuit once the reactor has properly purged. The system contains a timer bypass button to allow the user to bypass the purge timer.

Product Specifications
- Stand-alone system
- Compatible with all Wasson-ECE OFID systems
- Watlow EZ-Zone controller for O-FID cracking reactor and methanizer
- Indicating LEDs
- Timer with bypass